Thursday, July 8, 2010

We tried to race but we had already biked 40 miles... my legs died after the first mile at 20+ mph!

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Kevin,

    My name is David Mayernik and I'm a writer with The SIgnal Item, a weekly newspaper that covers communities in the southwest suburbs of Pittsburgh including Crafton, Carnegie, Green Tree and Scott Township. This newspaper is owned by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

    I understand you'll be riding through Crafton, Pa. sometime next Wednesday afternoon (July 14) and wanted to let you know I'm interested in writing a story about your trip.

    I wasn't sure how to get in contact with anyone involved in the ride, so I thought I'd try this. I'd love to talk with you before you get to Pittsburgh. You can reach me at or I can also give you my phone number.

    Please let me know if you would have some time to talk and I'd be happy to get in touch whenever you're available.

    Thanks a lot and have a safe trip.

    David Mayernik Jr.
    SIgnal Item, staff writer
